Distance Education Experiences of Physical Education and Sports Teachers: Covıd-19 Pandemic /Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenlerinin Uzaktan Eğitim Deneyimleri: Covid-19 Pandemisi
Physical Education and Sports, Teacher Opinions, Distance EducationAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the distance education experiences of physical education and sports teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic process. Eleven (7 Male, 4 Female) physical education and sports teachers who were determined by criterion sampling, one of the non-random sampling methods, participated in this study, which was designed in the descriptive qualitative methodology model. Semi-structured interview form was used in the research. Interview data were analyzed thematically. In this study, which examined the experiences of physical education and sports teachers towards the distance education model, 5 (five) themes were reached by analyzing the data collected from the participants: 1) General opinions, 2) Positive sides, 3) Negative sides, 4) Obstacles and 5) Suggestions. In addition, fourteen (14) sub-themes were obtained within the scope of these themes. As a result, it was determined that physical education and sports teachers supported the decision to close the schools but did not rely on the distance education model. Although the participants acknowledged that there was a sudden transition to distance education due to the pandemic, it was observed that they generally focused on the negative sides. Participants stated that applied lessons such as physical education and sports were not very efficient with the distance education model. In the study, physical education and sports teachers stated that as the positive side of distance education, theoretical lessons have become important and the use of educational technology has increased. In addition, the participants made suggestions for the solution of some negative situations experienced in physical education and sports lessons conducted with the distance education model. It was observed that these suggestions focused on the technological development of teachers and increasing the support provided by the state.
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