Examination of Physical Competence Tests of Member Countries of the International Association of Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Status and a Model Proposal for Turkey
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the physical competence tests used in the recruitment of Gendarmerie personnel in the member countries of the International Association of Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Status (FIEP) and propose an physical competence test for Turkey
Material and Method: The physical competence tests employed by the countries within the FIEP in the recruitment of the Gendarmerie personnel were obtained from the official websites of the relevant countries. The frequency distribution and percentage of physical competence tests divided into four different categories were calculated using the statistical analysis program SPSS 21.0 for WINDOWS©.
Results: It has been determined that most countries use multiple physical competence tests under at least two categories of physical competence tests. 83.3% of the countries prefer physical competence tests based on endurance, 66.7% sprint/power, 83.3% muscle strength endurance and 25% coordination/skill/balance biomotor abilities in the recruitment of gendarmerie personnel. It was determined that 91.7% of 12 countries prefer three or more physical competence tests. It was observed that 50% of the countries chose three out of four different physical test categories, and 33% chose two different physical test categories.
Conclusion: It is required that an ideal gendarmerie officer has aerobic endurance, anaerobic power, muscular strength, balance, coordination, agility and flexibility to execute their duties. Due to a large number of applications for the recruitment of the gendarmes, the accommodation needs of the candidates and economic reasons, the physical competence tests need to be carried out in a limited time frame. Thus, testing all seven physical abilities separately may not be applicable. It may be more appropriate to test physical fitness elements that are relevant when executing tasks that are more frequently encountered by the Gendarmerie. As a result of our study, we recommend the Turkish Gendarmerie to measure the coordination course endurance and strength capabilities. It is seen that the candidate will be eligible for a coordination course related to duties that the Gendarmerie may encounter, running distances between 1000m and 3000m for endurance and pull-up or push-up test for strength.
Keywords: Endurance, Gendarmerie, Physical Competence Tests, Strength
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