Examination of Athletes' Attitudes Towards Being Muscular According to Some Demographic Variables: A Sample of Cycling and Athletics Branches
Athlete, Be Muscular, Cyclist, MarathonAbstract
Aim: In this study, it was aimed to examine the attitudes of athletes towards being muscular according to some demographic variables.
Material and Method: The sample of the study consisted of 225 participants, 158 of whom were athletes from cycling and 67 from athletics branches. The research is a quantitative study and was carried out in a descriptive survey model. The data of the research were analyzed using the statistical software program JAMOVI While performing the statistical analysis, the normality distribution of the data was examined first, and since the data were normal, t-Test and One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to determine the differentiation between the variables, and Post-Hoc tests were used to determine the groups with a difference for the significant F value.
Results: it was determined that the average of the participants motivation to be muscular is at a moderate level. Significant differences were found in the athletes attitudes towards being muscular in terms of branch, age, marital status, educational status, club athlete?
Conclussions: As a result according to the analyzes, in this study, the attitudes of the athletes in the Cycling and Athletics branches to be muscular and the differentiation status of the participants in terms of some demographic variables were determined.
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