Öğretmenlerin Pandemi (Covid19) Süreci Öncesi ve Pandemi Döneminde Sağlıklı Beslenmeye Karşı Tutum Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi / Examination of Teachers' Attitudes towards Healthy Nutrition Before and During The Pandemic (Covid 19) Process
Covid 19, Pandemi, Sağlıklı BeslenmeAbstract
Aim: It is the study of teachers' attitudes and behaviors towards healthy eating before the pandemic (Covid19) process and during the pandemic process in terms of different variables.
Material and Method: This study, 98 female and 144 male teachers working in public and private schools in Kahramanmaraş province voluntarily participated In order to collect the data of the study, the Attitudes towards Healthy Nutrition Scale (HSTO) made by Demir and Cicioğlu (2019) and a personal data form were used. Since the data of the study did not show a normal distribution enough to apply parametric tests, Kruskal-Wallis H, Mann-Whitney U tests and Descriptives test results were used. In statistical analysis, the level of significance was chosen as p <0.05.
Results: It has been predicted that female and single teachers have a high level of attitude towards healthy eating, sports teachers have a high level of healthy nutrition knowledge before the pandemic, but that classroom teachers' healthy eating attitude levels have reached a higher level during the pandemic process.
Conclussions: It has been predicted that female and single teachers have high attitudes towards healthy eating, and that classroom teachers' healthy eating attitude levels have reached a higher level during the pandemic process.
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