Elit Alp Disiplini Kayakçıların Bacak Gücü İle Yarış Performansları Arasındaki İlişki
Leg Strength; Strength; Speed, Alpine SkiAbstract
Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between leg strength and racing performance of elite alpine skiers.
Material and Method: The scope of our research consisted of elite alpine skiers (n=33) aged between 16-33, competing in clubs affiliated to the Turkish Ski Federation. National team athletes with a mean age of 21.52±4.62 years and/or 25 male and 8 female skiers skiing in the A1 Ski League voluntarily participated in our study. The leg strength of the participants was determined by performing the Vertical Jump test with the NewTest Powertimer PC 2.0 device.
Results: In our study; in a positive direction between age and jump, leg strength and competition speed; A negative correlation was found between the duration of the competition (p<0.05). A positive relationship was found between height, jump and leg strength, and a negative relationship between competition time (p<0.05). There was a positive relationship between weight and jump, leg strength and competition speed, and a negative relationship between competition time (p<0.05). In the evaluation of leg strength, it was observed that there was a positive significance between leg strength and competition speed (p<0.05). In addition, it was determined that there was a negative correlation (r -0.539) and a positive significance (p<0.05) between the jump height and leg strength and the duration of the competition.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, which examined the relationship between leg strength and racing performance of elite alpine skiers; It can be said that leg strength has a positive effect depending on the ski training year, contributes significantly to the race results according to the degree obtained, is effective in the competition speed, and has a great importance in the race performance together with the jump height it shows parallelism.
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