Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmeni Adaylarının Değerler Eğitimine Yönelik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi / Examining the Attitudes towards Values Education of Physical Education and Sports Pre-Service Teachers
Values education, Pre-service teachers, Physical education, AttitudeAbstract
Aim: This study aims to examine the attitudes of physical education and sports pre-service teachers towards values education.
Material and Method: Within the scope of the research, the descriptive research design was used in the survey model. The participants of the study consisted of 118 pre-service teachers studying at the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching at Eskisehir Technical University. In the study, the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards values education were obtained with the "Attitude Scale Towards Values Education" (DETS). In statistical analysis, t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) analyzes were used within the scope of the SPSS-23 program. Results: In the light of the findings, it is seen that the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards values education do not change according to class, age, and parental education level in the sub-dimensions of internalizing values education, belief in the necessity of values education, and positive belief in values education, while the prospective teachers only have positive belief in values education sub-dimensions. It was found that there was a significant difference according to gender. In general, it was seen that the attitude scores of the pre-service teachers towards values education were above the average and the highest average score was in the "Positive Belief in Values Education" dimension, and the lowest average score was in the "Internalizing Values Education" dimension.
Conclussions: The positive attitude of physical education teachers and pre-service teachers towards values education can be evaluated as a positive result in terms of the effectiveness of values education practices in physical education and sports lessons.
Keywords: Values education, pre-service teachers, physical education, attitude.
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